The MRC is America’s premier media watchdog, exposing and neutralizing left-wing bias in news and entertainment media and the unconstitutional censorship of free speech by the Big Tech giants.
Your donation gives MRC the ammunition to shine a bright light on media deceit and propaganda. Because of you, MRC carries in its inventory an abundance of truth. It’s how we destroy the media’s fictional storytelling and deliver the facts about the disastrous policies and anti-American ideology harming this nation.
Together — and only together — can we win this battle. Please consider a donation today so we can enjoy a better tomorrow. Thank you.
L. Brent Bozell III
Founder and President

Please contact the MRC Office of Development at: 571-267-3500 Our office hours are 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Monday - Friday.
To give by check, mail to 2340 Dulles Corner Blvd Suite 1000 Herndon, VA 20171
Have questions or want further information? Email Emily Froman at: