
In its rush to promote embryonic stem cell research and squelch doubts from conservatives, Saturday's editorial gets ahead of the facts right from the headline ("Stem Cells Without Embryo Loss"). "A small biotech company says it has found a way to produce human embryonic stem cells without destroying an embryo. That the prospect does not satisfy many religious conservatives who have opposed stem cell research demonstrates once again why the government should avoid making decisions on…
     With a tropical storm threatening Florida and the one-year anniversary of Katrina approaching, CNN’s August 28 “American Morning” kicked off a weeklong look at “Red Tape and Rubble” in the Gulf Coast. But Ali Velshi’s first report in the series was unbalanced, treating insurance companies as guilty until proven innocent of greed or fraud.        “We’re going to be there when you need us,” anchor Soledad O’Brien said is the promise insurance…
New York Times Magazine interviewer Deborah Solomon conducts a Q&A in Sunday's edition with CC Goldwater, the granddaughter of Sen. Barry Goldwater, who has completed a documentaryon her grandfather to be shown on HBO. Interviewer Solomon, who voted for Gore in 2000, has a strange way of describing Goldwater's political reputation. "Your grandfather, Barry Goldwater, was both adored and vilified during his lifetime as the rightest of the right-wing senators. Yet your new documentary, 'Mr…
Here they come: The anniversary stories of Hurricane Katrina, giving the Times a precious opportunity for extraneous Bush-bashing. Monday's front-page story by Sheryl Gay Stolberg, "Year After Katrina, Bush Still Fights for 9/11 Image," questions Bush's compassion based on the federal government's response to Hurricane Katrina. "When the nation records the legacy of George W. Bush, 43rd president and self-described compassionate conservative, two competing images will help tell the tale. "The…
Congressional reporter Carl Hulse givessustenance toDemocratic takeover dreams in Saturday's "Issues of Leadership Await If Democrats Retake House." "Rusty from being out of power for 12 years, Democrats are rethinking how they should parcel out coveted committee chairmanships and the other plums that would come with House control at a time when the party's potential chairmen are increasingly being portrayed by Republicans as liberal extremists." AsLyford Beverage notes on Newsbusters, there's…
From Friday's Corrections page: "An article yesterday about unrest in the city of Oaxaca, Mexico, misstated the political position of the candidate who finished second in the 2004 gubernatorial election in the state of Oaxaca, a race whose result has been challenged by protesters. The candidate, Gabino Cué, is a centrist who represented a center-left coalition. He is not a leftist." It's apparently accurate to say that Cue is not a leftist. But one can hardly imagine the Times running…
     Perhaps it’s a symptom of a strong economy and a high standard of living, but often the media find negative angles to technology that makes our lives, and our work, easier.        That’s the spin ABC’s “World News with Charles Gibson” recently gave about the BlackBerry, the portable email devices made by Research In Motion (NASDAQ: RIMM). The segment likened the little devices to “alcohol, drugs and gambling” in their power to “disconnect”…
     Noting the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina’s formation in the Atlantic Ocean, anchor Brian Williams promised his audience a look at “a sore spot for many homeowners, insurance.”        Yet correspondent Ron Mott gave virtually no time in his story for insurance companies’ point of view, and left out that a woman he featured complaining about State Farm Insurance is a trial lawyer who regularly sues insurance companies.   …
     It’s nearly one year after Katrina and so far the 2006 hurricane season has been a quiet one. But that fact didn’t surface once in Hannah Storm’s August 24 “Early Show” interview with global warming alarmist Mike Tidwell, nor did scientific evidence that glaciers were melting long before global warming adherents pointed to the beginning of global warming.      “In his new book, ‘The Ravaging Tide,’ he says that we'll see more catastrophic hurricanes…
     What goes up must come down. When you’re comparing lower prices to record highs, it’s difficult not to see a drop.            Unfortunately, media reports continue to ignore the fact that comparing current housing prices to the past few years’ means comparing to the strongest housing market in history. A dip in existing home sales provided the media with more fuel to fire its pessimistic imagination on the health of American…